World Congress of Transporter Bridges

Bizkaia Bridge turns 125 years of age and big celebrations will be held through a week full with activities reaching their peak on the coming July 27 and 28. Saturday will be a day loaded with children’s activities, lectures, concerts and competitions, but before that, on Friday, the most technical part will take place: The Bake Eder Centre, in Getxo, will host the World Congress of Transporter Bridges. From early morning right through the end of the event, experiences, ideas and projects will be shared with representatives of the infrastructures (Rochefort, Newport, Osten, Middlesbrough, Rendsburg, Warrington and La Boca) that together with #BizkaiaBridge are still active today. Apart from the lectures, the authorities will be invited for a boat tour along the River, during which the industrial restructuring of Biscay and the River will be explained, having moved from an Industry-based economy to a Services-based economy. Naturally, the participants will end the day with a visit to Bizkaia Bridge and a farewell dinner in Portugalete.