Pastorales in Portugalete

In the coming month of December, we shall be able to enjoy some unique pastorales  (popular theatre Works). Through Bizkaia Bridge, an international symbol, and as part of its 125th anniversary celebrations, some of the historic moments that the estuary has experienced and which this ubiquitous icon has been a witness of exception will be depicted. It is not a typical pastoral, but rather an adaptation of this literary genre to the urban environment, thus seeking to foster Basque culture interactively and with grassroots support. As an appetiser, throughout all of this last quarter of the year, different events will be held in Getxo and Portugalete. These activities will come in the form of small doses of culture, both in terms of Euskera and the dissemination of the estuary’s history or folklore. Hence, this October and for a full week, the Romo Cultural Centre (Getxo) and the Santa Clara Cultural Centre in Portugalete will be holding a photo exhibition of different historic events involving both banks of the estuary.