1st International Festival of

Ferry Bridge

"8 bridges of light - 8 bridges of Poetry"

On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the Bizkaia Bridge, the 1st International Poetry Festival of Transbordador Bridges has been organized in collaboration with MALALeTRA. To commemorate this event, we want to publish an Anthology with unpublished poems about the Bizkaia Bridge, the Bilbao Estuary, or its builder, Mr. Alberto de Palacio. These can be written in free verse or any existing poetic form, up to a maximum of three poems. We look forward to your contribution to this Anthology, “A Bridge of Poetry.” Esperamos tu colaboración, en esta Antología “Un Puente de Poesía”
Anyone interested in participating in this festival (not a contest)
you can submit your poems in the following ways:
  • By sending your poem through the "130th Anniversary - Poetry Festival" tab on the Puente Bizkaia website.puente-colgante.com
  • By sending an email to malaletrabilbao@gmail.com
  • By uploading your poem on Instagram with the hashtag #puentesdepoesia

All the poems that are selected will be published in a

book about Bizkaia Bridge.

Submission deadlines: From March 21st to June 24th, inclusive.. We look forward to your collaboration in this anthology "A Bridge of Poetry." We need your poem! We'll be waiting for you. Thank you very much.

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