Aerial Gateway
Imagine being 50 meters above the ground,
on a walkway that stretches across the Nervión estuary.
Welcome to the Bizkaia Bridge pedestrian walkway
a journey that will take you to new heights.
Learn more about the visit

An unbeatable view

Climb the catwalk in the panoramic elevator and get ready to enjoy extraordinary views that encompass the entire mouth of the Nervión River, the Port of Bilbao, the adjacent mountains, Portugalete and Getxo. You can access from Portugalete or Getxo from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day in winter.

With Audioguide!

Don’t forget to hire the audio guide service to make sure you don’t miss any detail of this extraordinary landscape.

This is available at:

  • Basque
  • Spanish
  • French
  • English

Walking on the Beams.

The exciting adventure of crossing the Bizkaia Bridge awaits you! You will have the chance to experience stunning views of the Nervión River estuary as you walk confidently across the elevated walkway of the bridge.
Also, you can opt for a guided tour that will enhance your experience, adding context and depth to your adventure. Your expert guide offers fascinating insights into the history and unique architecture of the bridge, making for a truly unforgettable trip.
The guided tour typically lasts 30-45 minutes, providing plenty of time to absorb the beauty of the surroundings while learning about the impressive engineering advances involved in building this marvel.

Explanatory Panels

Aunque decidas no contratar la audioguía, aún hay mucha información disponible para ti que te permite aprender sobre el puente.
Encontrarás varios paneles con información detallada a lo largo de todo el camino del puente.
Estos paneles te proporcionarán una gran cantidad de información sobre la historia del puente, su construcción y eventos importantes que han tenido lugar en sus inmediaciones a lo largo de los años.
Ya sea que seas un apasionado de la historia o simplemente un viajero curioso, tomarte el tiempo para leer estos paneles mientras paseas por el puente sin duda mejorará tu experiencia general y te dejará con una apreciación mucho más profunda por esta impresionante hazaña de ingeniería. Así que asegúrate de estar atento a estos paneles informativos y aprovecha el conocimiento que ofrecen.

A walk through history

The Bizkaia Bridge is not just a bridge; it is a symbol of the European Industrial Revolution, a testament to the innovative spirit of the 19th century. As you walk down the pedestrian walkway, you are walking through a piece of world history.

Your Visit

Ready to experience the Bizkaia Bridge footbridge for yourself? Our catwalk is open every day from 10:00 to 19:00. The cost of the visit to the catwalk is €10, and the audio guide service is available for an additional €3. You can buy your tickets in the shop at the exit of the bridge or through our website.