Our Service

Bizkaia Bridge Activities

Management of passenger and vehicle transportation

The main activity of the company is the management of passenger and vehicle transportation between the two banks of the river. This service constitutes the origin and purpose of the Bizkaia Bridge.

365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

The service operates 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. The fares vary depending on the schedule, and in the case of vehicle transportation, the fares apply to both the vehicles and their occupants. The fares are determined by the Autonomous Port of Bilbao.

Leisure and Tourism

As already mentioned, the awarding of the exploitation tender in 1996 was a turning point in the commitment to enhance the unique and majestic work, with the following three basic ideas being the strategic lines of action.

“Our strategic line of action is based on the following three basic pillars:



Compromiso de servicio a la colectividad por otros cien años



Technological upgrade of the facilities



Cultural promotion and raising awareness of the work