2nd Romo Hondartza Team Handball Tournament

After the success of the first edition of the Romo Hondartza Team handball tournament, this sport is back invading Ereaga beach this weekend. This new edition has beaten previous participation records, with over 600 participants in 30 teams (18 in the first edition) from Bizkaia, Cantabria, La Rioja or Navarre. The tournament kicks off tomorrow, Friday 29 June, with the school categories, from 4.30 to 8.30 pm. From 9.30 am to 9.00 pm on Saturday, the senior and junior federated categories will take over the arena. Sunday, the last day, is reserved for the quarterfinals, semifinals and finals. In addition to the handball matches, the event will also include a number of parallel activities such as painting workshops or bouncy castles. Enjoy the spectacle of this sport and take advantage and go for a walk around the Getxo coastline. At the other end you will discover Bizkaia Bridge, one of the town’s most international tourist spots.