Discovering Getxo’s heritage from a Taxi

Today we propose a different, fast and comfortable way to get to know such a spectacular town, like Getxo. We are talking about discovering this coastal town and its heritage by taxi. Yes, you have read it properly. The Getxo taxis provide us with the opportunity to make a round trip passing through Las Arenas, Neguri, Algorta and Andra Mari, ending at the same starting point or wherever you decide. If you would like to get to know any of the points in greater detail, such as the Bizkaia Bridge, the Old Port or La Galea, you will have the option to make short stops to enjoy the views or to take photographs. In this experience it will be the taxi driver him or herself who will explain all the historical details of the municipality, its customs and curiosities. Find out everything by calling (+34) 944 91 53 53