Sport to the thud of your training shoes or on high, you choose

Are you a running fan? If you are, you mustn’t miss the chance of enjoying your favourite sport accompanied by a professional like Imanol Loizaga, Spanish Veteran Marathon champion, whilst discovering Getxo before the sun comes up. You will have the option of choosing between tarmac or trail courses and different levels and targets. Or maybe you are someone who prefers extreme, high-rise sports. If that is the case, there are only three days left for the “Extreme Suspension Bridge Race” at Bizkaia Bridge, an experience that puts its participants’ agility and speed to the test. The challenge consists of climbing 40 metres up the Bridge’s maintenance staircase to then run along the upper pedestrian walkway to the Portugalete tower, all while the shuttle remains in operation. Find out all the details at the Getxo tourist information offices.